These are the lists of performers at MOPF Brežice 2023

We are publishing the list of performing singers who will perform in this year’s semi-final of the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2023. Both semi-final evenings will take place in the hall of the Brežice Youth Center at the address Gubčeva ulica 10a, 8250 Brežice.

As every year, due to the huge number of registered singers, we will have to organize two semi-final evenings. 55 male and female singers from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovakia, Moldova and Malta will perform in both semi-final evenings. These are the ones who managed to pass a strict audition, during which the international jury had to choose only the best 55 semi-finalists from among 136 applicants.

The first 27 semi-finalists will perform on Friday, August 25, 2023. For visitors, the event starts at 5 p.m., and the performers have an hour of rehearsal, to which they should arrive at least 10 minutes earlier.

The other 28 semi-finalists will perform on Saturday, August 26, 2023. For visitors, the event starts at 5 p.m., and the performers have an hour of rehearsal, to which they should arrive at least 10 minutes early.

First semi-final evening, the expert jury and the audience in the hall will select 12 finalists and on the second semi-final 13 finalists, which means that on Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 7 p.m., a total of 25 finalists of the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2023 will be presented, who will compete for rich prizes of the expert jury as well as the audience. The first three places in each age group will be awarded, while all other semi-finalists will share the excellent 4th place of the Brežice International Children’s Singing Festival!

Tourist services for the attendants of International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice

Poletna ponudba
Banova domačija
Javni vodeni ogledi in delavnice
Vsak petek od 18.00 do 20.00 ure in vsako soboto od 9.00 do 12.00 ure
CENA Brezplačno
LOKACIJA Artiče 16, Artiče

Vodovodni stolp Brežice

Vodeni ogledi
Od ponedeljka do sobote od 10.00 do 20.00, nedelja in prazniki od 14.00 do 20.00
CENA odrasli 10 €, otroci in upokojenci 7 €, družine 25 €
LOKACIJA Bizeljska cesta 4, Brežice

Posavski Muzej Brežice

Odprto od ponedeljka do sobote, od 10.00 do 20.00. Nedelje in prazniki od 14.00 do 20.00
CENA odrasli 5 €, otroci in upokojenci 3 €, družine 10 €

REZERVACIJA Rezervacija obvezna samo za skupine:

Katalog turistične ponudbe v Brežicah v slovenskem jeziku

Catalogue Tourist services in Brezice 2023 – Google translated English edition

Kaj početi v Brežicah 2023

What to visit in Brežice 2023

International Children’s singing Festival Brežice 2023

This year’s 7th International Children’s Singing Festival in Brežice will host 55 young, talented singers aged 5 to 17, divided into three age groups. The expert jury had a very difficult task. From the 136 singers registered, at auditions in Slovenia, Croatia and online, the 55 best had to be selected. The selected singers come from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Moldova, Slovakia and Malta.

The seventh year of the successful operation of the International Children’s Singing Festival “Brežice” is also closely monitored by the World Association of Performing Arts (WAPA – World Association of Performing Arts), which will also honor us this year with its guest appearance and participation in the expert jury of the final evening, as honorary members of the international jury:

Armando Gukasyan President WAPA (President of the World Association of Performing Arts – WAPA) and Evelina Batey President WAPA Europe (President of the World Association of Performing Arts – WAPA Europe)

The members of the expert jury in the final evening on August 27 are also: Jožica Zupančič (clarinet professor at the Brežice Music School), Alen Jelušić (Glazbeno Plesni Studio Ritam Klanjec, producer) and Dejan Stojanov (musician and singer from Macedonia). In the semi-final evenings of August 25th and 26th, the expert jury will consist of Jožica Zupančič, Alen Jelušić and Dubravka Jelušić.

Audition results 2023 have been sent to applicants!Rezultati avdicije 2023 so poslani prijaviteljem!

We sincerely thank all the participants of the audition for the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2023 for their cooperation, and the applicants for their trust. Of course, we could not accept all 136 applicants this year either, as we can place a maximum of 60 performers at the Brežice International Children’s Singing Festival, 30 for each semi-final evening. Applicants are asked to explain these numerical limitations to all their young talented singers who may not have been able to make it to our festival this year and kindly advise them to apply next year. It is also important to understand that those who did not have a backup song and entered with the same song as someone before them could not be considered for the audition. It is important that you submit your application every year as soon as possible and without fail with an additional, spare song.

We sincerely congratulate everyone who made it to our festival, and we would like to thank the others for submitting their applications and thereby showing their trust!

The application deadline is coming up!Rok za prijavo se izteka!

Dear mentors, parents, dear singers! We would like to inform you that the application deadline for the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2023 is slowly coming to an end and will only be possible until June 9, 2023.

June 11, 2023 at 3:00pm – Auditions Croatia
June 18, 2023 at 3:00pm – Auditions Slovenia
August 25, 2023 – Semifinals part 1
August 26, 2023 – Semifinals part 2
August 27, 2023 – Grand Finals

We are publishing a call for the Brežice International Children’s Singing Festival 2023

Dear singers, mentors and parents! We are pleased to publish a call for the 7th International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2023! Please read the tender thoroughly and only then start filling out the application form. The application deadline is June 9th 2023 and the dates of all festival activities are:

June 11th 2023 at 3:00pm – Auditions Croatia
June 18th 2023 at 3:00pm – Auditions Slovenia
August 25th 2023 – Part 1 Semifinals
August 26th 2023 – Part 2 Semifinals
August 27th 2023 – Grand Finals

TV Show Mednarodni otroški pevski festival Brežice 2022

TV Show International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2022 is published on our YouTube chanel. Local TV schedule will be published on our Facebook page.

Mednarodni otroški pevski festival Brežice 2022 – Part 1 (first and second age group):

Mednarodni otroški pevski festival Brežice 2022 – Part 2 (third age group):

If you wish to view a separate singers performances Mednarodnega otroškega pevskega festivala Brežice 2022, click here: Ogled posameznih nastopov

Winners of 6th International children’s singing festival Brežice 2022

The overall winner of the Brežice International Children’s Singing Festival 2022 is TIA VALENTINC, a 16-year-old excellent singer from Krško, who introduced herself to the audience with the song “The voice within” by Christina Aguilera!

Tia Valentinc (foto: Luka Rudman)

According to the expert jury, the winners of the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2022 are:

Age group 6 to 9 years:

1st place: Leo OgrizekSlovenija
2nd place: Alina Jezernik ŠircaSlovenija
3rd place: Tonka JadrićHrvaška

Age group 10 to 13 years:

1st place: Eva Brumen KošarSlovenija
2nd place: Josip ŠušnjaraHrvaška
3rd place: Monika JukićHrvaška

Age group 14 to 17 years:

1st place: Tia ValentincSlovenija
2nd place: Eva Julija BorovšakSlovenija
3rd place: Hana GrubičSlovenija
From left to right: župan Občine Brežice Ivan Molan, voditeljica Anja Urek, Tia Valentinc, Eva Julija Borovšak, Hana Grubič, Tia Grubelnik, Monika Jukić, Josip Šušnjara, Eva Brumen Košar, Tonka Jadrić, Alina Jezernik Širca, Leo Ogrizek, Iva Mozetič, organizatorica festivala Brigita Šuler, producent festivala Alen Jelušić
(foto: Luka Rudman)

The winners of the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2022 according to the audience:

1st place: Iva MozetičSlovenija
2nd place: Tia GrubelnikSlovenija
3rd place: Leo OgrizekSlovenija

All the other 48 singers of the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice share an excellent 4th place! The organizers and producers of the festival congratulate everyone!