Location for audition MOPF Brežice 03.06.2018 is changed!

Dear all who applied for an audition for International children’s singing festival Brežice 2018 in Brežice on June 3rd 2018 at 3.00pm.

We had to change the location of audition for International children’s singing festival Brežice 2018 because of national elections, from MC Brežice to Dvorana Savice Zorko in Brežice.

Google maps of new location: Google Maps lokacija Dvorane Savice Zorko
Location Address : Dvorana Savice Zorko, Trg Jožeta Toporišiča 1, 8250 Brežice, Slovenija
(Parking spots are available from street Trg izgnancev and also the entrance to the hall Dvorana Savice Zorko). Please see the entrance photos and a hall view on Google Maps.)

Photos of hall entrance:

The hall “Dvorana Savice Zorko” is located in the same building as Knjižnica Brežice, but has a different entrance: Entrance to Dvorana Savice Zorko hall on Google Maps.

Hall “Dvorana Savice Zorko” website:

In case you won’t be able to find us, please call +386 70 60 70 70 (Maks).