Instructions for Klanjec auditions

The audition in Klanjec (Croatia) will be on Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 3.00pm. The location of the audition is in the library (premises of the Cultural Center Klanjec) at the address: Antuna Augustinčića 1, Klanjec.

To open Google street map of location,  click on picture:

Location for Google Maps Navigation, for Android and ios mobile devices is here:

When will you be in line?
The auditions will take place from 3 pm onwards in three age groups, firstly the youngest and later older:

First age group 6 – 9 years (from 3 pm to 4 pm)
The second group is 10-13 years (from 16.00 to 17.30)
Third group 14 – 17 years (from 17.30 onwards)

Audience price:
Audience, as well as further participation at the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice (semi-finals and finals) is completely free, as the main guideline of the organizing and production team is the desire, giving all talented children, regardless of the current financial situation of the parents, to give them exactly the same possibility for a top-notch presentation of their singing talent.

How will the audition take place?
You will enter the library premises and sit on a free chair. You will be waiting for the commission to call you on the stage, where you will sing the song you would like to present at the International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice with the musical accompaniment you sent us when applying. After the appearance, we will check the accuracy of your application and, if necessary, correct it. After the audition, you can go home.

When will the audit results be:
The results of the audit will be known only after June 20, 2018, when all three auditions will be completed. We will notify each of you personally to the applicant’s e-mail address.

All further questions can be sent to us by e-mail


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