Application form 2025

Call for the 9th International children’s singing festival Brežice 2025

Festival is free of charge = 0 EUR.

Mednarodni otroški pevski festival Brežice 2025

Partitura d.o.o.
Gornji trg 20
1000 Ljubljana

Dear Parents, Mentors and Singers,

we are publishing a call for participation in the 8th International Children’s Singing Festival Brežice 2025 (MOPF Brezice). As always, the singers and singers from 6 to 17 years of age can attend the festival in three age groups:

The first age group, from 6 to 9 years
Applicants must be parents or guardians of singers, mentors can assist with the application. Singers can register with one of their favorite songs from a range of pop, folk, rock, blues, jazz, opera… genres in any language. Applicants must provide a music background in mp3 format (4 minutes max.) with at least 192kbps sampling rate and send it in the sign in application form. Applicants will have to sign statements of agreeing to the conditions of participation and the GDPR declaration.

Second age group, from 10 to 13 years
Applicants must be parents or guardians of singers, mentors can assist with the application. Singers can register with one of their favorite songs from a range of of pop, folk, rock, blues, jazz, opera… genres in any language. Applicants must provide a music background in mp3 format (4 minutes max.) with at least 192kbps sampling rate and send it in the sign in application form. Applicants will have to sign statements of agreeing to the conditions of participation and the GDPR declaration.

Third age group, from 14 to 17 years
Applicants must be parents or guardians of singers, mentors can assist with the application. Singers can also register with a song that has been written specifically for them and has not been performed, recorded or released by anyone else before, but them. The backing track must be quality in mp3 with at least 192kbps sampling rate (4 minutes max.) and should not contain recording of the main vocal. Applicants will have to sign statements of agreeing to the conditions of participation, GDPR statements and statements by authors, potential publishers and performers about the assignment of rights for unlimited use of the song, for the needs of MOPF Brežice.

The applicant must be one of the parents and not both. The applicant may also be the legal guardian of the child if the child has no parents. A mentor or a singing teacher can not be a notifier, because he/she can not be a signatory of statements about accepting the terms of participation at the festival.

For successful electronic registration, the applicant must have a working electronic mail address and a contact telephone number that the organizer can use for communication, for the needs of MOPF Brežice organization.

After the successful submission of the electronic application to the festival audition, you will automatically receive e-mails with sign-in confirmation.

Dates of auditions:

June 8th 2025 at 3pm
in a hall Mladinski Center Brežice (Youth Center), at address: Gubčeva ulica 10a, Brežice, Slovenija (In case of no parking, please park here:

If you choose to audition with a recording, you must add a YouTube link to your live singing recording accompanied by music at the bottom of the sign-in form, otherwise the application will not be valid. 

Date for First part of semifinal: August 22nd, 2025
Date for Second part of semifinal: August 23rd, 2025
Date for Grand Finals: August 24th, 2025

Registration deadline: June 1st 2025

By applying, the applicant undertakes to make themselves available to the organisers of the festival and to participate in all festival activities from the above dates.

Two participants cannot have the same song, so the rule is that the right to register with a certain song belongs to the one who submitted the registration first.